The shot above is from Legally Blond…
1. It appears that the woman in black is introducing the woman in pink to a character off screen to the left of the camera.
2. In this picture we roughly assume the view of the person who the two characters in frame are meeting or speaking to. Assuming there are only three people in this interaction there are three different points of view.
3. It appears they are meeting someone knew. Perhaps they are about to enter a meeting or an appointment. The woman in black seems to be a guide or at least seems to be guiding the woman in pink. The woman in black may leave after introductions are made.
4. The woman in pink is obviously extremely excited to be in the situation or to meet the person she is being introduced to. The woman in black is a humorous contrast with a serious yet “why me” look on her face. However, her face also hints that she is knowingly oblivious to the flamboyant nature of the other woman.
5. They both seem to have the same emotional reaction. However, their different characters display this reaction in radically different ways. One reserved and the other extravagant and flamboyant.
B: “This is Mary she’s the newest member of the team. She will be joining the case in full force as soon as she finishes reading the briefings.”
P: “Actually I’ve like already finished reading the briefings! Like super innocent if you ask me.”
B: “What? YOU’ve finished reading the briefing? It was almost four hundred pages long! I only gave it to you this morning.”
P: “I know! Im super sorry! Like this guy called and I ended up talking to him on the phone for like three hours! I promise I wont take this long again!”
B: “Uhh, good… Anyway, this is Mary she’s the newest member of the team an-..”
P: “Im super excited to be on board with this! I cant wait to work with all you fab peeps!”
B: “and apparently she can get to work with you right away…”
P: “like thanks so much miss B! Lets do lunch like super soon!”
B: “I can’t wait…”
P: “Luv U!”
Question #2
The Big Lebowski- Over the line
While this dialogue between Walter and “Smokey” follows a linier and coherent timeline the director makes great use of cuts to keep the fluidity of the scene intact.
The camera bounces back and forth between the characters Smokey and Walter. In the beginning of the scene Smokey is far from the camera and Walter. However, as the scene progresses he moves in toward the camera. His movement stays constant whether the camera is on him or not. His movement is implied and not directly shown. However, the viewer knows it takes place despite it being off frame. For example when the camera cuts from Smokey to Walter, and back to Smokey he is closer than he was in the previous frame. This creates the illusion that the scene is progressing at a normal rate. Also the pans of the camera move with the camera and do not halt even when the shot shifts to Walter. This also creates the illusion of movement. Also the camera never leaves one side of the 180* line drawn between the two characters. The cuts become more rapid and tighter as the tension in the scene heightens. This gives an extra element of tension. The choppiness is broken by a steady long shot of the entire situation, which essentially serves as a period at the end of the situational sentence.
Question #3
1. Aside from the obvious (Garb, language, etc) the movie Titanic is a strong display of the mentality of the time: Progress for the sake of progress. Form and function gave way to grandeur and unchecked egotism. Titanic portrays this mentality through the actions of the characters.
2. The main historical group portrayed in titanic is the British. Specifically the wealthy upper class. The film itself depicts these bourgeoisies in a negative accusatory light, it does not simply let their actions make these accusations.
3. The political and social repercussions immediately after the tragedy. Or even a more macro look at the event rather than simply the focus on the lovers.
4. In order to appeal to a wider audience. (Film making is a business at the end of the day) Also a more coherent story line.
5. The film gives an accurate technical depiction of the events. And a realistic depiction of the human emotions during the sinking. However, it should not be viewed as a scientific document in the least.
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