The equiliberium between two sides or two parts of a picture. This should not be mistaken with a mirror image as balance does not need to be exact. Instead its job is to balance the “weight” of the parts of the picture.
This picture has both man and god on respective sides of the mural. They create a sense of balance in the picture even though it is not a mirror image.
The difference between lights and darks. Often used to distinguish an object or subject from their surroundings. Also ideas or themes my contrast.
In this Dali Painting, not only does the pale form in the center contrast against the dark background. But the soft clocks also contrast against hard block they are sitting on.
Similar to contrast as it helps show a difference between two or more objects. It also helps establish one object even further. It also relates to one objects sizable relation to another.
An idea made famous by DaVinci, the human body grows in an equal proportion to itself. This bolster’s the idea of things being geometric by nature.
Usually associated with a reparative geometric pattern.
the tiles are almost all exactly the same and together form the larger circle. the identical tiles form a pattern.
Very similar to patterns, however, it is less geometric and exact. It does not have to be proportionate or balanced. It is simply an object or series of objects in repetition forming a trend.
The different spikes of inc form less of a pattern, and more of a rhythm as they progress across the page. It gives a sense of movement and helps direct the eye.
Sometimes the goal of the previous techniques. Emphasis is an attempt to draw attention to a specific part of the piece.
The leading lines as well as the high contrast of color draws immediate attention to the mans face.
A sense of place and consistency in art.
even though these women’s dresses are different color they all have place in the picture to create the overall effect.
The use of change to empower the subject.
among all the color and chaos the solid white block draws the viewers attention immediately to the man walking down the street.
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