This black and white digital photograph titled “Sheep” by Jeff Bell is, in my opinion, extremely successful. Though the picture was shot with a Nikon D80, Jeff’s clever post-processing gives the photograph a vintage feel.
The use of lines and balance in the shot is also very impressive. The human eye naturally reads pictures from left to right and the subtle leading line provided by the point where the ice meets the grass directs the viewer toward the group of people.
Successful use of ISO is seen in the detail and vividness in the fog as well as the ice. Though it is evident that Jeff dodged the people so that they would stand out more against the dark background, the post processing does not negate anything from the shot.
The subtle use of symmetry in the reflections is ultimately what makes this photograph successful. Finding the clean patch of ice and capturing the picture just as their reflections can be seen is no easy feat, however, Jeff accomplished this and as such created a captivating picture.
My only major critique of this shot is the over exposed spot in the sky. I realize this may have been hard to avoid but perhaps a different ISO or cleaver angles could have prevented it. Anytime a picture contains absolute white it should try to be treated in post processing.
Also perhaps tweaking the levels and curves slightly may brighten up the shot a tiny bit, bringing out the detail and “grunge” that make this shot so interesting.
The boarder lends itself well to the shot and actually does more than just contain it. Instead it draws the viewer in and definitely adds something.
Overall great shot. The title “sheep” is very thought provoking. I would love to see this shot as part of a series and hope to see more from this artist soon.
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